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Feb 6,2024

Replacing Your Mini-Circuit Breaker: 8 Common Faults

Mini Circuit breakers are a crucial part of any house power supply circuit. They act as a safeguard and protect your circuit from voltage fluctuations and surges. These voltage fluctuations can cause the melting of components or wires and cause electrical fires. A mini-circuit breaker is one component of the circuit that should function well at all times since a faulty circuit breaker greatly increases the risk of house fires, a complete shutdown of the circuit, and electrocution. Many people neglect to replace circuit breakers, and this is mainly because they do not have the knowledge to diagnose when a circuit breaker has developed a fault or has come to the end of usage life. 

You don’t need to become an electrician to determine a fault with a mini circuit breaker. Every homeowner has a duty to protect their home electricity supply circuits, and that starts with keeping the mini circuit breaker undamaged and replacing it at the correct time.

If you are confused as to how to know if the circuit breaker is fulfilling its role, then this blog will tell you exactly that, so read on to find more. 

Circuit breaker Trips frequently

A common issue that signifies a problem with the circuit breaker panel is that the mini circuit breaker keeps tripping. This usually occurs when you operate two electrical appliances simultaneously. For example, if you switch on the iron as well as microwave then the breaker would trip, and half of your house would lose power supply. In these cases, most homeowners simply switch the mini circuit breaker on and off, but that is not a permanent solution to the problem. Tripping indicates a problem with the breaker, and it should either be replaced, or an electrician should be contacted to inspect the circuit breaker. 

Mini Circuit Breaker Lacks Capacity 

Another danger signal that shows that the circuit breaker needs to be replaced as it is tripping time and time again is limited load capacity. This usually happens in homes when higher-load consumer appliances are added. There can be various reasons for this, such as the addition of living space, which requires more appliances, or buying more sophisticated appliances. To cope with a higher electrical load, the circuit breaker should also be upgraded. Installing a circuit breaker with a higher capacity is a must in this case. Additionally, the circuit breaker should be inspected by a licensed electrician before installation to ensure proper functionality. 

Outdated Electrical Panel Components

In old homes, the electrical circuit is safeguarded with a series of fuses. These fuses are an older technology that cannot completely protect modern electric circuits consisting of multiple appliances from power surges. Hence, fitting the electrical panel is vital if you have a circuit consisting of fuses.

Circuit Breaker Emitting a Foul Smell

If your circuit breaker feels warm to the touch and you can smell something burning, then this means that the electrical panel is overloaded. This burning smell is a result of overheating of insulated wires. Apart from the burning smell, the electrical breaker panel will also feel hot to the touch. All these symptoms point to a faulty circuit breaker. This situation can cause a house fire, so the main power switch should be shut off, and the electrician should be called in for mini circuit breaker replacement. 

The mini circuit breaker is at the end of its Life

Another sign that should not be ignored is when the breaker is near the expiry date and is functioning beyond its operating Life. When a mini circuit breaker becomes old, the lights will start to flicker, and the user will experience small electric shocks on the finger when they touch any switch. This actually means that the wiring has been damaged.

Buzzing Sound

A faulty circuit breaker also makes a buzzing or zapping sound. This sound usually occurs when the circuit breaker is producing sparking internally. Although you will not see this sparking, the noise indicates that the mini-circuit breaker is not working properly. This can cause a fire in the circuit, and you should employ the services of a skilled electrician to get a replacement circuit breaker installed.

Rust Covering

Like all other electrical components, your circuit breaker is susceptible to corrosion. If it is covered in rust, the time has come to replace it. A rusted circuit breaker can lead to an electrical fire, so it is better to take action immediately. 

Outdated Breaker Design

Circuit breaker technology has evolved over the years. Newer circuit breaker versions come with additional features such as GFCIs (ground fault circuit interrupters) and AFCIs ( arc fault interrupters). Such features in modern breakers provide the ultimate protection against additional shocks, so replacing an old circuit breaker is a better idea, even if it is working fine. When it comes to replacing the breaker, it is important to purchase from a top-quality mini circuit breaker distributor that provides a proper warranty and is made from durable components. 


In wrapping up our exploration of common issues with mini circuit breakers, it's clear that these little devices play a big role in electrical systems. From tripping due to overload to issues with compatibility and wear over time, there's a lot to consider when troubleshooting these miniature power protectors. To keep your breakers working correctly, a proactive approach to maintenance is the best, along with awareness of potential issues. This can keep your circuits humming smoothly. So, whether you're a seasoned electrician or a DIY homeowner who wants to know the details of a house circuit, we are sure this blog educated you on keeping those mini circuit breakers in top-notch shape for a safer and more reliable electrical setup.



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